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Combined FAQ > Residency Training > What opportunities do residents have to learn psychotherapy?

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Combined residents at UCSD participate in longitudinal psychotherapy seminar series, alongside their categorical psychiatry classmates. Didactics cover 5 major areas of psychotherapy: supportive, dynamic, cognitive behavioral, short-term and integrative. Residents see their own long-term psychotherapy patients and have weekly individual meetings with their assigned psychotherapy supervisor. For residents with a particular interest in psychotherapy, the San Diego community offers numerous additional opportunities. In recent years, two of our combined residents have completed one-year fellowships with the San Diego Psychoanalytic Society & Institute (SDPSI). SDPSI and other psychotherapy associations also hold several psychotherapy conferences in San Diego each year.  San Diego has a very rich community of psychiatrists practicing various modalities of psychotherapy who are eager to supervise trainees, allowing for ample opportunity to pursue this training.